Mental Agility Techniques
Consistent practice of these simple awareness techniques, two or more at a time, increases neuroplasticity – your ability to adapt to change.
Become aware of desire
A regular practice of setting intention ignites a cascade of brain activity giving you the ability to tune into your desires and focus your effort at achieving them.
Raise awareness of body
Connections between mind and body are tightly coupled with emotional control. Raising awareness of your actions – any actions – increases mental resilience. Conscious breathing has its own category because this special action is normally sub-conscious.
Perception of voice
Learn how to tame your inner beast with sound. Specifically, repetitive sound whether it is expressed out loud, listened to or simply imagined. Master this technique to unleash your potential.
Insight to the future
All the other techniques enable and amplify your imagination, in all of its varied forms. The more you practice this skill, the richer and more vivid your experience.